• Database Engineer Quick View
    • Database Engineer Quick View
    • Database Engineer

    • £799.00
    • Rated 0 out of 5
    • Database engineering is a critical field in the world of information technology. It plays a pivotal role in managing and organizing data, which is the lifeblood of businesses and organizations in today’s digital age. To embark on a successful career as a database engineer, you need comprehensive training to master the skills and knowledge required for this challenging and rewarding…
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  • DevOps Engineer Quick View
    • DevOps Engineer Quick View
    • DevOps Engineer

    • £1,199.00
    • Rated 0 out of 5
    • A DevOps Engineer is an IT professional who specializes in the integration of software development and IT operations. DevOps is a culture and set of practices that emphasizes collaboration, communication, automation, and measurement across an organization’s entire software delivery process. DevOps Engineers work to facilitate these practices, using various tools and technologies to streamline the software development and deployment process.
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